24 research outputs found

    Patients' Knowledge about Physiotherapy

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    Název: Fyzioterapie v povědomí pacientů. Cíle: Kontaktovat zástupce zahraničních profesních organizací s cílem zjistit, zda byl jimi proveden průzkum informovanosti veřejnosti o profesi fyzioterapeuta, a nechat si zodpovědět některé řešené otázky. V druhé řadě zjistit, jakou mají pacienti fyzioterapie v ČR znalost o tomto oboru, zda vidí rozdíl mezi profesí fyzioterapeuta a maséra a jestli správně fyzioterapeuty titulují, resp. oslovují. Při případné dezinformovanosti pacientů se zamyslet na tím, jaký by byl nejvhodnější způsob takový stav zlepšit. Metody: Zástupcům profesních organizací byl elektronickou poštou zaslán anglicky psaný dotazník obsahující 6 otázek. Průzkum mezi českými pacienty byl realizován pomocí strukturovaného dotazníku sestávající z 10 otázek. Distribuce probíhala v Praze a v Pardubicích. Výsledky: Pouze 31% zástupců profesních organizací uvedlo, že byl proveden průzkum informovanosti veřejnosti o profesi fyzioterapeuta, ale dokument nebylo možno získat. 77% zástupců dále uvedlo, že pacienti bez předchozí zkušenosti s fyzioterapií spíše ví, co je náplní tohoto oboru, 69% se domnívá, že k oslovení pacienti nejčastěji používají jména / příjmení a 38% uvedlo, že profese fyzioterapeuta a maséra je zřídka zaměňována. Dotazníkové šetření mezi českými pacienty přineslo 187 odpovědí....Title: Patients' Knowledge about Physiotherapy. Objectives: To contact representatives of foreign professional organizations to determine whether they were surveyed public knowledge about the physiotherapy, and let them answer some solved questions. Secondly, to investigate patients' knowledge about physiotherapy, if they see the difference between a physiotherapist and a masseur and if they properly title or address the physiotherapists. In case of desinformation of the patients to think what would be the best way to improve that. Methods: An english written questionnaire containing 6 questions was sent to the representatives of professional organizations by e-mail. The survey among Czech patients was conducted using a structured questionnaire consisting of 10 questions. Distribution took place in Prague and Pardubice. Results: Only 31% of the representatives of the professional organizations reported that the survey about the public knowledge about the physiotherapy was conducted but the document could not be obtained. 77% of the representatives also stated that patients with no previous experience with the physiotherapy rather know what is the content of this field and 69% also believed that the patients used name / surname most commonly in addressing the physiotherapists. 38% said that the...FyzioterapieFaculty of Physical Education and SportFakulta tělesné výchovy a sport

    Early ontogeny of mother offspring bonding in Bovinae

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    Cílem práce bylo popsat na základě dosupné literatury vznik, podobu a trvání sociální vazby mezi matkou a mládětem u podčeledi Bovinae. Důraz byl kladen na specifika chování související s porodem a ekologické rozdíly mezi druhy. Zkoumaná skupina zahrnuje střední a velké sudokopytníky žijící ve stádech. Nachází se zde i domestikované druhy, které žijí ve specifických podmínkách, proto se jejich chování může lišit. Nejpevnější pouto mezi jedinci vzniká u matky a mláděte. Tato vazba je pro potomka klíčová, neboť je zcela odkázán na mateřskou péči. Mateřské chování můžeme pozorovat již několik dní před porodem, ale často je nejviditelnějším znakem u většiny zástupců této podčeledi oddělování matky od stáda z důvodu intenzivnější interakce s mládětem. Matka se teprve po porodu učí poznávat své mládě a to především pomocí pachu, i z tohoto důvodu je mládě po porodu olizováno. Kojení mláděti poskytuje výživu, ale utužuje také vzájemný vztah. Síla vazby je závislá na sociálním prostředí, strategii mláděte, jeho pohlaví a dalších faktorech. Vazba mezi matkou a mládětem se druhově liší ve svém trvání i ve způsobu ukončení. Tato problematika je v současnosti nedostatečně probádaná a zaslouží si další výzkum.The aim of this thesis is, based on the literature, to study the origin, characters and duration of social bonds between the mother and her offspring in Bovinae. The emphasis was given on the specifics of the behaviour related to birth and ecological differences between species. The explored group covers medium and large Artiodactyla living in groups. Many of them were domesticated, and they live in specific conditions so their behaviour may differ. The strongest bond is between the mother and her offspring. This bond is essential for the young, which is completely dependent on the maternal care. Maternal behaviour may be observed few days before parturition, but the most visible sign is maternal separation from the herd to secure exclusive interaction with own offspring. Mother learns to recognize her offspring after parturition, primarily by smell, also for this reason the young is licked. Suckling provides the nutrition to the calf, but also it reinforces mutual relationship. The strength of the bond is mainly dependant on the social environment, strategy of the young, it's age and other factors. The bond between the mother and her offspring differs according to the species, in the duration and in a way of termination. This topic is nowadays only poorly understood and needs further research.Katedra zoologieDepartment of ZoologyPřírodovědecká fakultaFaculty of Scienc

    An efficient approach to BAC based assembly of complex genomes

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    Background: There has been an exponential growth in the number of genome sequencing projects since the introduction of next generation DNA sequencing technologies. Genome projects have increasingly involved assembly of whole genome data which produces inferior assemblies compared to traditional Sanger sequencing of genomic fragments cloned into bacterial artificial chromosomes (BACs). While whole genome shotgun sequencing using next generation sequencing (NGS) is relatively fast and inexpensive, this method is extremely challenging for highly complex genomes, where polyploidy or high repeat content confounds accurate assembly, or where a highly accurate ‘gold’ reference is required. Several attempts have been made to improve genome sequencing approaches by incorporating NGS methods, to variable success. Results: We present the application of a novel BAC sequencing approach which combines indexed pools of BACs, Illumina paired read sequencing, a sequence assembler specifically designed for complex BAC assembly, and a custom bioinformatics pipeline. We demonstrate this method by sequencing and assembling BAC cloned fragments from bread wheat and sugarcane genomes. Conclusions: We demonstrate that our assembly approach is accurate, robust, cost effective and scalable, with applications for complete genome sequencing in large and complex genomes

    A chromosome conformation capture ordered sequence of the barley genome

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    Social preferences and interactions of common eland during parturition period

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    Common elands (Taurotragus oryx) belong between the world's biggest antelopes. The basic social unit is created by several females with offspring, males are joining them only in the breeding period. There is a dominance hierarchy in a herd, which eliminates strong negative conflicts mainly between adult females. Except agonistic interactions, affiliative ones are taken place as well, which have positive impact on relationships in a herd. The aim of this work is t o summarize previous studies dealing with social structure and behaviour of common eland focusing on affiliative, maternal and agonistic interaction in a herd. Experimental part is focused on preferences of females for a choice of the closest companion, if the choice is influenced with age, kinship or maternal state of a female. Data were collected through direct observations of a herd of common elands on a farm Lány using 15 min scans of chosen females. Distances were measured between females and all the other herd members. Selected social behaviour of any two members of a herd was recorded using an all occurrence sampling method. The statistical analysis showed that the most (98,77 %) of interactions were negative, females preferred contactless agonistic interactions, threat and withdrawal. Allogrooming was more often found between a..

    určování teplotního rozdělení a dob ohřevu

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    The Swedish socio-economic model as a model for EU countries

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    Tato práce si klade za cíl zhodnotit, zda se jednotlivé státy EU mohou inspirovat švédským socio-ekonomickým modelem. Práce tak na jednu stranu analyzuje dlouhodobý vývoj švédských vnitřních nerovnováh za účelem vyhodnocení, zda je efektivní a udržitelný v kontextu aktuálních výzev, kterým evropské státy čelí. Zároveň na stranu druhou predikuje, zda je možné prvky modelu jednoduše aplikovat do jiných ekonomik. Práce zjišťuje, že švédský model umožnil tomuto státu rychlý ekonomický rozvoj a i v dnešní době se mu daří udržovat ekonomickou, sociální i environmentální udržitelnost. Za velké úskalí, které model ohrožuje, však práce označuje nedostatečnou integraci imigrantů. Za hlavní aspekty úspěšnosti daného modelu v švédském kontextu můžeme uvést správně nastavené inkluzivní instituce, rozvinutou politickou kulturu, aktivní obyvatelstvo a dlouhodobý důraz na vzdělávání a podporu inovací. Model nabízí mnoho zajímavých nástrojů a cílů, kterými by se mohly inspirovat i jiné evropské země. Je však nezbytné dané prvky správně implementovat.This thesis aims to evaluate whether individual EU countries could be inspired by the Swedish socio-economic model. On one hand, it analyses the long-term development of internal imbalances of Swedish and Nordic model in order to determine whether it is effective and sustainable in the context of current European challenges. On the other hand, the thesis predicts whether elements of this model can be easily applied in other states. Based on the findings, we can say that the Swedish model has enabled this state to have great economic development and even today it manages to maintain the economic, social and environmental sustainability. However, the thesis identifies the lack of integration of immigrants as a major drawback that could threaten the entire model. The main aspects for the success of the model in the Swedish context include well-designed inclusive institutions, a developed political culture, an active population and a long-term emphasis on education and the promotion of innovation. The model offers many interesting tools and goals that could be useful for other European countries. However, it is necessary to implement the elements of the model correctly

    Selection of meat and meat products

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    Meat and processed meat belong to the most discussed topic regarding an impact on human health. In 2016 IARC classified processed meat as a carcinogenic to humans class 1 and red meat as an probably carcinogenic to humans class 2A. Nowadays, there is a wide offer of processed meat, therefore it is necessary to choose thoroughly. The aim of this thesis was to provide a research of a nutrition composition of meat and processed meat regarding an impact of consumption on human health particulary in connection with IARC classification and put information into a context of dietary guidelines. Results showed that studies regarding the consumption of meat and processed meat and the possible impact on human health vary and the results are often contradictory. Moreover, the studies discussing a negative impact of meat consumption on human health are not metodologically consistent. Consequently, those facts make the view on the discussed issue way more unclear. This thesis also contains a frequency questionnaire designed for students of colleges in Prague. Accordingly, the aim of the practical part was to find out a frequency of consumption of food mentioned above along with an ascertainment of preferences of selection. The results showed that the majority of respondents chooses processed meat according to the quality..

    Vliv úchylky kolmosti dosedací plochy hlavy šroubu

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